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Focus on Grip Strength for Better Health

When it comes to fitness, you often think about joint flexibility, agility and endurance. Grip strength is often overlooked but it is an important key to everyday activities. Yes, grip strength is basically the measure of how hard you can hold onto something. Humans tend to use the gripping muscles often throughout daily activities, so it is ideal to give these muscles a workout.

Grip strength is determined by the maximum force generated by the forearm muscles. There are also many intrinsic hand muscles that play into the action of gripping as well. You can use a dynamometer to test your level of grip strength. The exercises listed below will allow you to maintain and/or build up your own grip strength. Give them a try!

1. Reverse Barbell Wrist Curl

2. Kettlebell Swings

3. Barbell Shrug

4. Deadlift

Be sure to maintain proper posture, breathing, and spinal alignment when doing thsese exercises.